Monday, April 28, 2014

A Beautiful Life

Oh, the wind! The sun! The young leaves liberated by their parent trees, free to fly on any passing breeze! I rejoice in my freedom, my mobility, and my splendid, strong, beautiful body! I can turn my hand to any task that pleases me, and I fill life with that which makes me happy. Waking up refreshed and energized each morning, rejoicing in freedom to go anywhere. Doing good, honest work, giving praise to the One who made me and my world, studying hard and respectfully, rejoicing in my aim as an arrow leaves my bow to seek its target, running, playing, writing. Falling into bed too exhausted to want to stay awake, and starting the cycle over. Every moment filled with some new, pleasurable enterprise: reading, listening to music, singing, writing, anything! Fighting the wind to make progress, and singing it back to me when it leaves. The hot, happy days of summer are nearly here, and I will live life once again in a different cycle. Crafting, making, building, running, rejoicing, writing, fishing, riding, taking slow aim. Traveling, meeting others and unconsciously sharing my way of life before moving on. Loving, blushing, dancing, falling asleep to the rhythm of my heart. This is real. This is me. And this is my beautiful life. 

Falling in Love

I can’t stop blushing on the way home, listening to the two songs “Enchanted” and “Good Life” over and over again. The memories come to me in flashbacks. Seeing you at the wedding. I was a guest, and you were one of the groomsmen, and I remember thinking, “He’s short, but he’s handsome.” Later, at the reception, leaning on the wall looking at the dance floor, hoping against hope that someone would ask me to dance, because I wanted to dance, to laugh, to enjoy myself. Then you came, my knight in shining armor, and you just introduced yourself and said, “Would you like to dance?” Oh, yes, I did. We danced, and I remember you twirling me, and talking to me, getting to know me. After the dance, trying to make my dad and brother jealous. Later, feeling lonely again, leaning on the same wall, and watching you slowly make your way over. We talked, and then that song came on, the song I will always remember, “Good Life.” Your exited eyes, and your question, “Could we dance to this?” “Sure, a slow dance.” “Then would you like to…?” You didn’t even have to finish your sentence before we grabbed each other’s hands and wove in between the tables, to the empty dance floor. Half-way through the song, I noticed that we were the only dancers, then thinking fiercely, “I don’t care! I don’t care what anyone thinks. I hope nobody joins us for this dance, so it can be ours,” and remembering that first dance, and what you told me. I must admit: No, no I didn’t really know I was beautiful, not until you said it. But when you did, I realized, yes, I am beautiful, and you are handsome, and here we are, dancing together. I wasn’t the bride at that wedding, you weren’t the groom, but when we danced alone together, when I looked into your eyes, I felt like the only person who mattered to you, and you were the only one who mattered to me. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


Wonderful, dearest readers: I suck.
I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in the longest time. I was busy for two weeks keeping my household running, then I fell into some sort of weird writing slump, where my mind was not agreeing with what I wanted it do to.
I'm trying to write stuff now.
I still don't have anything to post, though.
But I did see a movie recently!
Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a fantastic movie, and I went with some really good friends, so it was very awesome. I loved the movie, but for some reason I kept on getting distracted by how good looking Steve Rogers was... I'm not normally like that, I swear. I wasn't like that when I watched Thor. But oh well. It was a fantastic, funny, sad movie.
Oh! Other news! My Aunt Awesome, along with most of my closer relatives, came over yesterday (Easter) and we had a blast. Food, throwing knives, horse rides, confetti eggs, cows, archery: a standard family get together for me. ANYWAY Aunt Awesome runs the archery program I'm in, and while I was shooting the other day, she decided I needed a new bow. I currently have a Genesis Original - a beginner bow, everyone uses one at first - and she wants to get me a Hoyt. A Hoyt! That's what they use in the Olympics! Look at the visual aid!
A truly beautiful bow! 
I most likely won't be getting this exact one, but I'll get a beautiful one. Hopefully black and red, like my old Genesis. I like black and red bows. 
They look cool. 
Hopefully I'll have some real stuff for you next time, Readers! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Oh Noes! And a Book and a Song, and Some Fluff...

Dearest Readers!
I might not be able to update for a while!
Let me explain. My father the Manager is going with my mom the Queen to Dallas, and my Uncle (Rich) Farmer is going with them.
For two weeks.
And they are depending on me to do my school, milk the cow, and take care of the house. That is a long time for me to be doing that.
As a result, I doubt I'll have much time to write or do anything.
Anyway, I have a book and a song for you!
The book is Divergent.
I loved it.
I devoured it.
But I would recommend it for those readers who are sixteen or older. There are just a couple parts that made for uncomfortable reading, nothing really big, but just...uncomfortable.
That aside, I liked it way better than the Hunger Games!
The song is called "I Don't Care" by Fall-Out Boy. This song is the only thing I've been listening to in my truck. It's got a great big band sound, and I love singing it, too. This is a link, just for you. 
The fluff? I got obsessed with Divergent. I took the quiz, and predictably, tied for Erudite and Dauntless.
Then I thought: what faction would the characters in my book choose? Here is what I came up with.
Dreyken: Dauntless
Aronis: Amity
Deverell: Abnegation
Crev: Erudite
Triss: Candor
Derain: Dauntless
Illusion: Candor
Jess: Dauntless
Balavan: Amity
Avanish: Erudite
Alright, readers, there are the choices of my main characters. I love you to the moon and back, everyone!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

One Day Far Away

Maybe I’ll see you one day,
One day far away.
Maybe I’ll meet you one day,
One day far away.
Maybe we’ll dance one day,
One day far away.         
Maybe we’ll dance, and walk, and love,
One day far away.

Maybe we’ll talk one day,
One day far away.
Maybe we’ll walk one day,
We’ll walk far away.
Maybe I’ll love you one day,
One day far away.
Maybe we’ll laugh, and cry, and watch,
One day far away.

Maybe we’ll laugh one day,
One day far away.
Maybe we’ll cry one day,
Cry the sorrow away.
Maybe we’ll watch one day,
Watch the sun rise far away.
Maybe we’ll be together one day,
And I can love all your pain away.

Maybe we’ll rest one day,
One day far away.
Maybe I’ll watch you fall asleep one day,
One day far away.
But maybe you’ll watch me fall asleep one day,
One day far away.
Maybe we’ll rest in each other’s hearts one day,
The day that is farthest away.

Maybe I’ll remember you one day,
The day that is farthest away,
And I’ll shed a tear for you that day,
That day that is farthest away.
And the day that you remember me,
That day that is farther away,
You will laugh to remember the memory,
On that day that is farther away. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Sorrowful Farewell

Dearest, most wonderful Readers....It is time to say goodbye. 
Unfortunately, my life has been quite hectic recently, and this blog is another major time sink that I don't need. I've thought about this for a long time, and I really think that although it is a sad choice, it is the right choice. 
I'm going to close this blog, and Please Don't Keep It Real will be just a memory. 
I'm so sorry. 
If there was any way I could continue it, I would, but my lifestyle isn't exactly conductive to this. I know I promised an incredible surprise for the one year anniversary of the blog, but I can't pull it off, or do anything more. 
In the next week, I will shut the website down. If you like any of my previous writings, save them, because you won't be able to find them anymore. 
Dearest Readers: what day is it? 
Is it April the first? 
Dearest Readers: I win. 
Hahaha, I win! April Fool's! 
The blog will, of course, go on. I will continue trying to post up to eight posts a month, maybe less, but oh, dear readers, I really did get you, didn't I. 

Sorry for the heart attack, readers! 
And I love each and every one of you!