Monday, April 28, 2014

A Beautiful Life

Oh, the wind! The sun! The young leaves liberated by their parent trees, free to fly on any passing breeze! I rejoice in my freedom, my mobility, and my splendid, strong, beautiful body! I can turn my hand to any task that pleases me, and I fill life with that which makes me happy. Waking up refreshed and energized each morning, rejoicing in freedom to go anywhere. Doing good, honest work, giving praise to the One who made me and my world, studying hard and respectfully, rejoicing in my aim as an arrow leaves my bow to seek its target, running, playing, writing. Falling into bed too exhausted to want to stay awake, and starting the cycle over. Every moment filled with some new, pleasurable enterprise: reading, listening to music, singing, writing, anything! Fighting the wind to make progress, and singing it back to me when it leaves. The hot, happy days of summer are nearly here, and I will live life once again in a different cycle. Crafting, making, building, running, rejoicing, writing, fishing, riding, taking slow aim. Traveling, meeting others and unconsciously sharing my way of life before moving on. Loving, blushing, dancing, falling asleep to the rhythm of my heart. This is real. This is me. And this is my beautiful life. 

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