Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

Whee! A whole year!
I'm sorry I didn't get this template up earlier, I thought I would get up nice and early in the morning and do it, but I forgot in the glory of getting up early.
Also! I will try to post some more abstract shorts during the week, and maybe even a video....How about that?
As you might have noticed, as name is different. Yes, I joined my Blog Spot and Google Plus accounts, and we'll see how that goes. No, my name isn't Ivey. Nor is it Ivey Vine. My extended family's name is Ivey, and so I went with that and made a whole persona to go with it. Now you know my dreadful secret, here are some things about the mysterious blog writer that I wanted to share with you.
1. I prefer treble to bass. In my truck, the treble is always slightly higher than the bass. I like the clearer sound it gives.
2. Yes, I drive a truck. I live on a farm, so it's just more practical to have a truck than a teeny tiny little car.
3. I love archery. I'm very good at it, and I practice at least once a day, if I'm up to it.
4. I'm a cat and a dog person. I just can't decide between the two!
5. I have been bitten by dogs, cats, horses, toads, frogs, lizards, alligator lizards, gophers, hamsters, a snake... a lot of things. When I was younger I could get any dog to bite me.
6. I love online comics. Currently, I'm reading Gunnerkrigg Court, the Archipelago, Earthsong, and Strays Online. And I am always searching for more.
7. I don't like watching television, and oftentimes I will decline watching a movie with my family to go to bed early or read.
8. I am a pyromaniac. I love fire, fireworks, things that burn, matches.... Fire is just so intense. I love it. If I was an elemental, fire would most likely be my element.
9. I can't play any musical instrument. I've tried piano and violin, and some guitar, but I just don't seem to be that musical. I can sing half-way decently, at least.
10. I have never been in a relationship, and I have not had my first kiss. I'm waiting for my future husband.
Now you know ten things about me! Maybe you already knew some of them, but, I mean, the pyromaniac part caught you by surprise, didn't it?
I'll try and post more soon, Dearest, most Wonderful, Awesome Readers!

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