Monday, April 21, 2014


Wonderful, dearest readers: I suck.
I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in the longest time. I was busy for two weeks keeping my household running, then I fell into some sort of weird writing slump, where my mind was not agreeing with what I wanted it do to.
I'm trying to write stuff now.
I still don't have anything to post, though.
But I did see a movie recently!
Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a fantastic movie, and I went with some really good friends, so it was very awesome. I loved the movie, but for some reason I kept on getting distracted by how good looking Steve Rogers was... I'm not normally like that, I swear. I wasn't like that when I watched Thor. But oh well. It was a fantastic, funny, sad movie.
Oh! Other news! My Aunt Awesome, along with most of my closer relatives, came over yesterday (Easter) and we had a blast. Food, throwing knives, horse rides, confetti eggs, cows, archery: a standard family get together for me. ANYWAY Aunt Awesome runs the archery program I'm in, and while I was shooting the other day, she decided I needed a new bow. I currently have a Genesis Original - a beginner bow, everyone uses one at first - and she wants to get me a Hoyt. A Hoyt! That's what they use in the Olympics! Look at the visual aid!
A truly beautiful bow! 
I most likely won't be getting this exact one, but I'll get a beautiful one. Hopefully black and red, like my old Genesis. I like black and red bows. 
They look cool. 
Hopefully I'll have some real stuff for you next time, Readers! 

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