It’s time for the sparks
in our hearts to come out. The night is dark, but we laugh anyway, threading
our way through the trees and the dark fields, hiding from cars and any people
who might be roaming the night. Heavy backpacks lift us up, since we know what
is in them. We reach the right field and frantically begin unloading our
spectacular burden. From a rooftop barely visible in the darkening night, a
flare lights up. A return flare is fired, and then everything is dark. We come
together, shake hands and go to our stations. No words are needed or welcome in
this sacred darkness. Suddenly, each of us holds a flame, a small catalyst for
the great event to come. As we kneel down and fumble in the twilight, our
breaths catch in our throat, and we each pray silently that this gamble will
pay off. Sparks begin to fly, hisses break through the blanket of silence, and
we all grab our empty packs and run. As explosions break out behind us and the
sky is set on fire, we forget our mute taboo and begin to whoop and cheer.
Eerie shrieks and brilliant explosions give us company. Sirens explode into
life around this previously abandoned farm and how fast you can run is the line
between scot free and juvenile record, but we don’t care. We reach the safe
house where those who were too scared to try fell behind, and we all climb up
to the roof to enjoy the effects of slow-burning fuses and as many fireworks as
we could get our hands on. Fists are bumped, and grins are shared freely, as
teenage rebellion gone right rips the peaceful night apart. When the show is
over, we all climb off the roof and share one last glance before parting. We
all have futures, and not all of those will be shared with each other, but the
present and the immediate past is something that will always be remembered, a
story that we will to all of our children.
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