Monday, February 24, 2014

A New Book

Dear readers: I've started a new book.
I haven't finished my other one, the Last of Five, but this couldn't wait.
I can't share the book with you because I'm afraid of people stealing it, but I had to share this with someone.
Last night, I woke up sometime in the dark hours, and I had this idea in my head. It was like someone opened me up and put it there. I didn't dream about it. I didn't think about it. It was just there.
I've heard of people who get flashes of inspiration like that, but I have never had it happen that way. My ideas usually start simple. My entire dream universe started with a name, and grew from there. This time, it didn't happen that way.
Anyway, the book is called, "How Beautiful We Were." The funny thing is, it's about a future where humans turn into robots called Androids over their lifetime. This happens because when something breaks or stops working, say, if someone from that future breaks an arm or gets arthritis in their legs, they get a new mechanical arm or a new set of mechanical legs. Since it is a natural thing for the human body to sort of break down over time, eventually, everyone in that world becomes a robot.
The book is about the one person who realized how wrong and unnatural it was for this to happen, and how he challenged the world as he knows it (how he will know it? It's from the future [will be from the future?] and I don't know how to phrase it.)
Anyway, my dearest readers, thank you for letting me share this with you. I'll let you know when I finish writing it, but don't hold your breath. It could be a while.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Words Of Wisdom

Dearest Readers: I am going to impart my Grandfather's wisdom upon you. 
Try not to squeal in delight as the universe suddenly makes sense. 
Grandfather: "The pilgrims taught the Indians how to make bread. They left, and when they came back, they said, 'Ooh! Indian Bread! We want it!'"
And if anyone is feeling adventurous, go to and type in, 'do a barrel roll'
...Or zerg rush.

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Book and a Song

Hey hi hello, readers!
Here is a quick review of a book that I didn't remember in time for the last post, and a song that I really like.
The book is called "A Wizard of Earthsea." Tolkein fans, delight! Usula K. Guin is an amazing author, and this book is incredible. I haven't yet had time to read the second or third books, but this one is so good! It is written in the same style as the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and...And I'm definitely not going to go on a mythology/writing style rant, so you'll just have to read it! Appropriate for whoever is able to read it, I suppose.
The song is called, "Radioactive in the Dark." I love to start playing this song for someone, then say, "You've never heard this song before." Invariably, the response is, "Yes I have! Radioactive, by Imagine Dragons!" And it's timed perfectly so that when they say that, the mashup begins. Yes, this is two songs put together, Radioactive and My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark. After I listened to this mashup, I realized, "Wow, these songs are so musically similar!" and they are! Just listen. Oh, by the way, here is a link! Just in case you do want to listen to it.
By the way, readers, if there is a certain book or song or whatever you want me to review and critique, just tell me in the comments! I'll try to read/listen to/whatever the book/song/whatever as soon as I can, and post my thoughts of it.
And I really am trying to get the fashion thing together. Clothes just don't happen to be my forte.

And...happy Super Bowl to...Let me google who won...Seahawks fans! And Bronco fans, too, I'm not judging you.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hello, hello

Five people in a black-and-white photograph stare at me. I wouldn’t mind, but they aren’t the right people, and that makes me feel terribly stiff and polite. Never have I missed a light more than when you left, got left behind. I miss you. I love you. Which means more? Because love has seven different definitions, if you look it up in a Greek dictionary. But that’s beside the point. The point is that sometimes, you do, sometimes, you don’t. That was supposed to make sense somewhere in my timeline, but it doesn’t, so there. Good for me. There was a boy in my past, my brother actually, and I saw him grow from a weak little sprout to a tall, strong, sometimes unintentionally cruel tree. Yes, I know…we can’t stay like this forever. Well, not forever, no, but we could try to make it last longer. Because you only have eighteen years to learn how to be an adult before you are one, and that’s when all the fun ends. Oh, well. Bells will chime and call to me, and since I obviously can’t refuse a call to fairyland, I will see you when you answer the call.