Sunday, September 7, 2014

Will You Follow Me?

I want to be powerful, but I flicker at the edges if you look closely. No more wanting, anymore. I’m past that. We’re past that. So let’s go into a violent sky, the two of us shining like rival suns. We’ll escape the blackwood prison and break through the stars. Nothing must compare to us. We shall be two points of light in the middle of black matter. You might be scared – I know I am – but don’t worry. I’ll follow you. If you don’t want to nestle in a cradle of comfortable darkness, then we won’t stay. Just don’t worry. So we press on, going into other worlds, other words, other stories and lives. Stay a moment, leave a moment for our memories. We have no choice, now, but to keep going. We’ll find our place, though, don’t worry. Our place just isn’t here. Let’s go for three more millenniums, then try something new. Let’s try going to the light, to the end, to those who shine like we do, to the stars. We dive into the light, and the heat refreshes us, soothes us, and repairs our weary, worn souls. We can’t ever reach the center, we can keep on and on! What a worthy way to spend eternity! Here it comes, away! We’ll start at the middle and see where we want to go from there. You turn back only once in all those years, just once, and your golden eyes meet my silver ones, and you only ask one question.

“Will you follow me?”

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