Monday, June 16, 2014

Just a Room

Curvy and straight, black on white, bright on dark, contrast and compliment. The circular patch of dry-wall on the ceiling is white washed, with a steel rim and steel flush lights. Rough stone gives to smooth floor tiles and overhead glass. Striped purple walls and lightwood doors dare each other to look out of place. Couches and sofas follow the curve of the carpet sunk into the tiles. Long beams of dark cherry wood run above us. Flush wall lights look like they are dripping rusty metal bubbles. Spotted trumpet like-lights hang suspended in midair from the ceiling. Flashy black and white tiles line a counter topped with smooth white marble. Tall red chairs line the counter, stretched against the black and white divide in the floor. Odd placement of sharp and soft objects, juxtapose and parry. Never really knowing what will come next, which mad fancy of the designer will impose itself onto the physical world. But it is easy to walk out, of course: it’s just a room. 

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