Friday, March 7, 2014

Constant Movement

Hey, what's up! 
Here, dearest readers, is something I wrote a couple months ago and then forgot about. 
By the way...the book, "The Last of Five" is going to be finished this month! Keep an eye out, I'll be publishing as soon as possible!

Growing, believing, belonging: gone. I am new now, having purged myself of these sometimes unimportant things. I am fire: I light the night, burn away the impurities of today, growing stronger the more I incorporate. I am earth: mighty and powerful, passive but not neutral, ready to shake you to the ground. I am water: engulfing, pounding, full of energy, always moving. But mostly, I am air: moving, pushing, rushing, whispering, moaning, dancing across the earth. Leaving both of our cares behind, I will take you away, to somewhere that I will be free to roam, not running up against walls or iron bars that sap my strength. Never again shall I subject myself to the will of others. I do not need them, do not need support, borrowed emotions, masks. I only need myself, although others can depend on me if they want. But still, it’s not that important. I’ll take them with me, stretching them out until they are tall enough to stand on their own, then leave them behind. It doesn’t bother me in the least. If it bothers you, don’t look away; just cover your ears. The music is what makes it scary. In complete silence, you will hear many things. Don’t take my word for it, though: just see for yourself. Hear everything, and grow still. Then, I will leave you, because all these things will pass, and I want to move on. Silence is life: movement is life. Never stop moving completely, or your body will turn back into energy, and you will be like me: swept away on the gust, the wave, the earthquake, the inferno that I cannot control, that are my passions, my emotions.  

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