Friday, January 31, 2014

Music and Books!

Hello, dearest of readers:
Yay! Comments!
Be guaranteed, I read through all comments before publishing them.
And this post is an answer to my very dear friend, Jules Gomez.
So, I'm frantically trying to catch up on semi finals and find a way to post my favorite outfits.
The going is slow.
BUT! I can critique music and books very easily!
So, here are some of my current favorites, judged for your enjoyment.
I love music. Right now, as I write, I am listening to Ed Sheeran's "I See Fire," from the movie "The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug." Here is a link.
This song is wonderful, soft, slow, and passionate. I listen to this as I'm writing things that are sad but necessary in my book. It is a wonderful end song to the movie it came out with.
Another song that I have been listening to for a while is Tristram's "I Remember." Link
This song is...How to put it? dubstep? techno? Anyway, before you close this page in disgust, just try it. When I hear this song, I think of where Aronis, Dreyken, Deverell, and Crevan came from. I will not disclose this info, because it's private (and slightly embarrassing), but there was a terrible war that lasted for years, and this song reminds me of the end of that war.
Another song on my current playlist is Maddie Rodriguez's "The Hummingbird." Link
This song, believe it or not, reminds me of a place in a book called Brisinger, by Christopher Paolini. If you have read this book, think of when Arya was telling Eragon about the Menoa tree. In this song, a flower loved a hummingbird, but to me, this song is a terribly sad tale of mistakes.
Warning: Spoilers! I think that flower was experiencing a terrible crush, but went about earning the hummingbird's love the wrong way: by her attractiveness. Because of this, the hummingbird loved her, but it wasn't lasting love. He took all her nectar, and then left her. Only then was the flower able to move on, and love another bird. When the hummingbird tried to come back, he realized "how much it really hurt." However, he had already moved on! He left her, found another flower (doubtless draining all of her nectar, too) and only then wanted her back again.
Alright, readers, this post is already long enough! So sorry! however, I will post on books immediately!
And wonderful readers: if you do archery, don't forget your arm guard!

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