Monday, January 27, 2014

Being the Perfect Daughter

Dear readers:
I want to share something with you.
Readers: “O rly?”
Me: Dear readers, sarcasm is not even the lowest form of wit. It isn’t wit at all.
Readers: *Mindblown*

So, I wanted to share something that I have been doing over the past few months, rather unconsciously.
I have been trying to make myself the perfect daughter.
I started doing it without realizing it at first, but then, I thought, “This isn’t so bad.”
Here’s what I’ve been doing.
1.     Always say ‘yes’. No matter what your parents ask you to do, just agree with it and do it.
2.     Say yes pleasantly. Rolling your eyes or sighing dramatically scores no points, even though you did say yes.
3.     “Ma’am” and “Sir” are phrases used far too little. When your parent calls you, jump up and go to them, and say, “Yes ma’am!” or “Yes, sir!” Parents notice this very soon, and will probably comment on your willingness.
4.     Don’t wait for someone to say something. One of the most noticeable things is putting away the clean dishes in the dishwasher. Don’t let anyone ask you, just do it.
5.     Clean random rooms. Clean the bathroom unexpectedly, or the living room, or make your parent’s bed for them.
6.     Be a pleasant person to work with. Don’t grumble, don’t be angry.
7.     Get up early! Your parents might get up at five, like mine. I don’t get up at five, though: I get up at seven and am always ready to go when we leave somewhere.

You should try at least one of these things, and gradually start working on doing more of them. My parents noticed me doing this quite early on, maybe even before I realized it myself, and have rewarded me in small ways like not asking me to do household chores. 

Dear readers, I hope you try this. Even if you are a boy. You can start being the perfect son by following these guidelines. 
And my very dear readers, have a wonderful week.

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