Monday, December 9, 2013

A Lasting Love

Why are there so many kinds of love? You can love someone or you can be in love with someone, and it all gets mixed up, because my mind isn’t what it used to be. If you listen to a song, chances are it’s going to be about love. There is brotherly love and sisterly love and parental love and romantic love. I love so many people, all in different ways. But not romantically. If I ever do love someone like that, I hope that romantic love will just be a phase, something that will pass away and leave something much more lasting. What I want is a steady love, burning bright, someone who will understand me as a friend and care for me as a woman and provide for me as a wife. I want someone who doesn’t measure love in kisses, but in the little acts that show that I care for them: cleaning the house and the kitchen, cooking, making the bed in the morning. Because kisses are something cheap, that can be given away to anyone. A warm embrace, however, makes me feel safe, warm, like someone is there to take care of me. And that kind of love, you can’t find in a highschool romance. You can’t find it in a “friends with benefits” relationship. You can’t find it in a one night stand. And you most certainly won’t find it in some high-school hunk. No, you will find it in the patience of waiting, waiting to be certain that he is the right man, that he will never go back on his word. You will find it in his quiet acceptance of caring for you. You will know that he is the right man when he is content to stoop to even the lowest, humblest task at one word from you. Because that is the love that will last till death do you part. 

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