Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Weddings, Cows, Daughtry, and Deadlines

Dear readers: AAAHHH!
I must repeat: AAAHHH!
I haven't posted anything in absolute ages, and I feel terrible about that. I also feel tired, as it is 10:00 PM  in my neck of the woods.
On to excuses!
...I think I have some excuses. Oh yeah!
Some of my cousins got married. It was a six-hour drive there, we stayed two days, we had a blast. It was a perfect storybook wedding. I want my wedding to be like that. With a few changes.
On the way to the wedding, we stopped and looked at cows.
 Dear readers, cows!
We looked around a dairy farm, and picked out a cow to be our very own. BUT we had no way to transport it.
So after the wedding, which was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, we drove to a town called Colorado Springs, and stayed one night in a terrible hotel.
The next day, we drove to Fort Collins, Colorado, (stopping for a moment in Monument, Colorado) watched a movie, (Thor: The Dark World/Planet/whatever) and picked up a stock trailer. The same day, we drove to Pueblo, Colorado, and stayed the night in a nice hotel.
Today, we drove from a nice hotel, Pueblo, Colorado, to the dairy farm, to our beautiful farm town.
As you can tell, it was a lot of driving.
And my laptop doesn't have a good battery.
So I didn't really write those four days, except to work on my novel.
BUT! This morning, DAUGHTRY! Yay! The album Baptized came out! And I listened to the whole thing forever! From Pueblo, Colorado, to Farm House, Farm!
I must say this: if you ever wondered what my personality was like, combine the songs Waiting For Superman and Wild Heart and you will get me.
And when I get married, (no deadline on that, I haven't met Mr. Right yet [I don't think] and I'm still underage) the song Cinderella will be my first dance. I already have it choreographed.

ANYWAY, I have one last excuse for leaving all y'all in the loop: This is the month after October. And I don't mean November.
It's National Novel Writing Month. And I have a deadline. I have 37,000 words, give or take a few hundred, and I need 13,000 more; by the thirtieth.
Dear readers, I will write to you more at a later date.
I hope you understand.
And I love you all to pieces.
May the Force be with you.

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