Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Mother and my Horse

My dear, dear readers: I apologize. This is not a post like my other posts. This post brings terrible news with it. 
And I mean dreadful. 
My mom was a horse trainer. She was pretty darn good. She even trained Olympic at the Korean Olympics. 
But I must repeat: she was a horse trainer. 
She dropped horse riding and training for a long time, and now we have two horses: a wonderful Palomino named Peaches and a sweet Paint/Pinto double-registered named Keno's April Fools. 
She went riding off by herself around the farm on Peaches and had an accident. 
When passing close by my Uncle Timothy's, Peaches reared, corkscrewed, and took off. My mom got left behind. 
Luckily, my Uncle Timothy was late out of his driveway because he had just run over two of his guinea hens, and had to stop to put them in the back of his truck. This was the time needed for him to see my mom fall. 
She is getting released from the hospital today, with six broken ribs and a broken collarbone. 
Six broken ribs! Even I was impressed. 
Yesterday morning, she had surgery on her collarbone and had a plate installed. 
Thank you for reading today, and please pray for my Mom. 
Hopefully, this won't set me back too far in getting back to regular updates. 
Thank you again. 
And I miss everyone out in ol' California. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Weddings, Cows, Daughtry, and Deadlines

Dear readers: AAAHHH!
I must repeat: AAAHHH!
I haven't posted anything in absolute ages, and I feel terrible about that. I also feel tired, as it is 10:00 PM  in my neck of the woods.
On to excuses!
...I think I have some excuses. Oh yeah!
Some of my cousins got married. It was a six-hour drive there, we stayed two days, we had a blast. It was a perfect storybook wedding. I want my wedding to be like that. With a few changes.
On the way to the wedding, we stopped and looked at cows.
 Dear readers, cows!
We looked around a dairy farm, and picked out a cow to be our very own. BUT we had no way to transport it.
So after the wedding, which was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, we drove to a town called Colorado Springs, and stayed one night in a terrible hotel.
The next day, we drove to Fort Collins, Colorado, (stopping for a moment in Monument, Colorado) watched a movie, (Thor: The Dark World/Planet/whatever) and picked up a stock trailer. The same day, we drove to Pueblo, Colorado, and stayed the night in a nice hotel.
Today, we drove from a nice hotel, Pueblo, Colorado, to the dairy farm, to our beautiful farm town.
As you can tell, it was a lot of driving.
And my laptop doesn't have a good battery.
So I didn't really write those four days, except to work on my novel.
BUT! This morning, DAUGHTRY! Yay! The album Baptized came out! And I listened to the whole thing forever! From Pueblo, Colorado, to Farm House, Farm!
I must say this: if you ever wondered what my personality was like, combine the songs Waiting For Superman and Wild Heart and you will get me.
And when I get married, (no deadline on that, I haven't met Mr. Right yet [I don't think] and I'm still underage) the song Cinderella will be my first dance. I already have it choreographed.

ANYWAY, I have one last excuse for leaving all y'all in the loop: This is the month after October. And I don't mean November.
It's National Novel Writing Month. And I have a deadline. I have 37,000 words, give or take a few hundred, and I need 13,000 more; by the thirtieth.
Dear readers, I will write to you more at a later date.
I hope you understand.
And I love you all to pieces.
May the Force be with you.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

My New Tiger

Hello, hello, hello!

I got a tiger! 
A what? 
A tiger! 
A what?
A tiger!
Oh! A tiger! 
And I thought I'd share some pictures of him. 
His name is Zosma. 
And no, he's not a "real" tiger, in the same sense that Pinocchio was not a "real" boy. 
And don't tell him I said that. If you ever meet him. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Running from the Sunrise

Listening to the steady roar of the engines, looking over the yellow brick roads, running away from the sunrise. This is appropriate, but only in suitable audiences. And since you are strapped into a leather airplane seat, you might as well apply. I’m sure you’ll qualify. The slightest movement of my wings will rock your world, and take me where we want to go, drifting through the sky. Because the sky dreams, and it dreams of dragons. Dragons are real, you know, flying through space-time, running across the land. Never have I been without this knowledge, that most things aren’t really stable matter, but merely vibrations, so it doesn’t matter how steady his hand is: it’s always moving. If we fly fast enough, we can escape the growing wonder of the sun, and hide in the dark, saving the beauty of light for another time. Maybe I’ll see you there, maybe we will meet in the sun. When we do, I’ll tell you how the story ends, because right now, I don’t know and I’m slightly confused. Big brown boxes look so small out my window, even though I can’t stop looking at them for some stupid reason. Do lions purr? I know a dog that does, who thinks she’s my mother. She isn’t, really, but I let her believe, because we all need something to believe in. Looking at the same view all the time isn’t going to win a crown, but I don’t care, because there was a reason for everything about two years ago. If you live in a place where you can run forever, don’t move away. Stay right where you are. Because you live in the right place, just like me.