Monday, July 1, 2013

Hello Again!

Hello, all my faithful friends!
Wow! What a ride I've had!
My camp went very well, and I am happy to say that after being a life-long pro-lifer, I am now equipped with the knowledge to go with it!
And now, for news!
My family and I have successfully moved into the new house, and I spent this whole morning happily making a fish trap, (which later caught a freshwater turtle) catching a bucketful of frogs, and getting caught in a dragonfly storm. As you can probably tell, I have adjusted perfectly to this new state.
And now, for bad news. First of all, my new house does not have WiFi. Such a small, invisible thing, and yet so important to us today. As you can probably guess, no WiFi means no posts. I am currently borrowing a nearby relative's computer (I love living so close to people who I'm related to!) and will soon have to fly.
You do know that I have wings, right?
....Or I wish I had wings.
Anyway, the only other piece of bad news is that this afternoon, I got in a dirt bike accident with my brother. I am not yet very good at dirt biking (such an inelegant name!) and I barreled into him, although not at high speed, thank goodness, and right in front of the house. His elbow got dislocated for a second, then popped back together, I had to lay down my bike and scraped up my knee and elbow pretty bad, and the bikes were fine. My brother (who I shall now refer to as Mr. PK) escaped without much damage, my clothes were  more ripped up than I was.
But enough of these worries! I can already hear the computer crying out, "Stop pitying yourself on the internet! You're going to delete this post in a few weeks because it will have blown over by then!"
Does anyone else have a computer that yells at them?
I want to give a shoutout to someone very dear to me, who I had to move away from.
 Jule Samantha, I miss you so much already, and I'm sorry I haven't checked my email in weeks. I still haven't checked my email. But I have a feeling you sent me something sweet and I have to repay it by damaging your swee-*coughcough* I mean, by damaging Mr. PK, affectionately known as Dork.
May we once again see each other where the sky does not hide the sun and the rivers run with fresh clear water.

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