Sunday, June 16, 2013

Oh Dear!

Readers! Attention! Forward March!

Okay, skip the last part. But anyway, I am the bearer of sad news! Please Don't Keep It Real will not be updated for quite a while!
Oh dear!
Tomorrow, I leave the home I've lived in for the past 13 years of my life (No, I am not thirteen, I lived at another house before this one) and am going on a retreat for Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust! Gasp! Yes, dear readers, I am pro-life and not pro-choice. Hopefully, though, I will never tell you my political or spiritual views again. Anyway, this retreat lasts for eleven days. On the eleventh day, I will be carted off to Fed-Ex and shipped a couple states over, where my family will hopefully have set up my living quarters.
And I won't literally be shipped by Fed-Ex.
But how does this affect ME? You ask. I answer: I shall not be able to post for a very long time! You will be stuck in this real world without anything to end the monotony! There will be Fantasy Withdrawals all across the nation, people deprived of their dose of fantasy! Unfortunately, this is a necessary evil.
AND..... I named my kitten. She is now Mimsy! (from Jabberwocky: don't worry, this isn't the first time I named an animal an adjective.)
On this note, I must leave you, but don't worry.
Journeys end in lover's meetings, I've heard.

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