Sunday, June 16, 2013

Oh Dear!

Readers! Attention! Forward March!

Okay, skip the last part. But anyway, I am the bearer of sad news! Please Don't Keep It Real will not be updated for quite a while!
Oh dear!
Tomorrow, I leave the home I've lived in for the past 13 years of my life (No, I am not thirteen, I lived at another house before this one) and am going on a retreat for Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust! Gasp! Yes, dear readers, I am pro-life and not pro-choice. Hopefully, though, I will never tell you my political or spiritual views again. Anyway, this retreat lasts for eleven days. On the eleventh day, I will be carted off to Fed-Ex and shipped a couple states over, where my family will hopefully have set up my living quarters.
And I won't literally be shipped by Fed-Ex.
But how does this affect ME? You ask. I answer: I shall not be able to post for a very long time! You will be stuck in this real world without anything to end the monotony! There will be Fantasy Withdrawals all across the nation, people deprived of their dose of fantasy! Unfortunately, this is a necessary evil.
AND..... I named my kitten. She is now Mimsy! (from Jabberwocky: don't worry, this isn't the first time I named an animal an adjective.)
On this note, I must leave you, but don't worry.
Journeys end in lover's meetings, I've heard.

Friday, June 7, 2013

My New Kitten

Hello! Yes, I know I promised these "soon," and today probably does not qualify as soon, but I did get them on the site, right?
And have you ever noticed how people say "probly" instead of "probably" and think that they have good grammar?
Back to the topic! My new kitten, which I am calling Ewok for the time being, needs a better name!
I was thinking of calling her Mascara, Patchwork, Treasure, or Vintage. You can vote on these names in the poll, which is thataway --> or if you have a better name, submit it in the comments! 
Thanks to all four of you who are reading this. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Who Can Feel as I Feel?

Mood, sound, color, emotion. Passion: the soft violin, the obliterating cello, a deep scarlet, obsessive love.  Numbness: white noise, backed by shouts, sirens, two heartbeats, one resting, the other pounding, pounding, grey, red, black, shock. Intensity, the relentless drum, a strong voice, black and blue, focus, white, confidence. This is how I write. I see an object. Any object. Right now, I am staring at a rather large piece of a tree trunk, bark attached, with a face carved on one side. This is what I write: A smooth top, first cut by a saw or axe, then smoothed into lovely perfection. Hair falling in perfectly straight lines, never to blow in the wind. Closed eyes: not dead eyes, but eyes that do not currently want to see. The rest is lost to history, which will then berate itself for something totally unrelated to anything else; all in good humor, you see. You don’t, though, and that’s why you were nodding like you did. It drives me to insanity that the ones who understand never speak up, but wait until the last moment, until even that moment is gone. Who is to blame, us or the hatchet? Did you never pause and think that something is wrong? And now I’m completely sidetracked, but it doesn't matter: that’s history. 


Hello there!
...As you might have noticed, I have not updated anything in a long time. For this, I apologize.
Now, for the part everyone hates: Excuses!
Am moving four states over in two weeks' time.
Just got a new kitten that I have not named.
Am finishing up another year of school. Did I mention that I'm in school?
Am behind in finishing school.
Just went to the library and returned with 11 books, which I read in a week's time.
Just finished an important Tae-Kwon-Do test last Friday.
And I, although born of mortal stock, have absolutely no sense of mortal time, except when to eat, drink, and sleep.
Because of this, I shall soon post a "Sorry" update with a picture of my kitten, just to prove that it is a real kitten, and not a figment of my imagination. I also shall make a poll of names I have thought of for the kitten. And thank you for reading all of these excuses!