Monday, March 7, 2016

Paper and Ink

(Try reading this one while listening to 'Gone So Long' by Breathe Carolina.) 

Empty coffee cups, pads of paper bleeding my ink. Stories swirl around me, pulled by the gravity of my imagination. Take what you will, and take what you need: I have enough for everyone. What you see is a smile, and what lurks beneath the surface of my thoughts is a river, wide and deep, strong enough to drown you, gentle enough to refresh you. Skin like eggshells, so delicate and beautiful, protected by the armor no one sees. Read my lips, guess my mind. Blankets and warm fires, strong sunlight and warm water, I will keep you content and give you a place to grow. Gently, I spread my wings and feel the ripples around me, life like drops of water in a lake. Stories are all around us, new and beautiful. Words live within us, powerful and nurturing. Some cannot see, some close their eyes, and others leave what they cannot understand for the closeness of their own worlds. Strong hands shall cradle your dreams, saving them like fireflies in beautiful mosaic jars. Leaving the nest, forgetting the rest, passing the test: strive for my understanding. Close your eyes and breathe in, feel the black and white march across the white waters of the world. Breathe out, and spread your paper wings across the calico skies. Maybe you will shrink away, afraid of the vast emptiness beyond your comprehension. Maybe you will fill it with your ideas, words, stories, drawings, and all your creations. But maybe, just maybe, as you look out to the void, you will understand that there must always be a small corner, an escape from the bustling of today and the rustling of paper, that can never be filled. Curl up, and go to sleep here, with open hands and a peaceful mind. Come out when you are ready, and begin again. 

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