Friday, August 28, 2015

Leave Them Be

Live is lived on the edge, the edge of a razor, the edge of the world. Bold and brave at heart, you will live and be rewarded for your bravery. Though many others here tread the same path right now, yours is marked different because of the paths you have taken and the other paths you are taking. Courage is your heart pounding, yet slipping in among the wolves and the lions and slyly stealing their knowledge from under their noses. Hold your head up high, make them turn aside. Meet their eyes and watch them turn away from the fire in yours. They cannot match you, because they are small, and will never know the chalice that you drink from. They tell you the sky is the limit: you know that the stars are your friends. They tell you give it all you have, little imagining that their receptacle is far too small to hold a fraction of what you contain. Spread your wings and leave them behind, these ants, these people who will never know greatness. Each in their own way is precious and unique, but you are cut from a different cloth. To compare between them and yourself is to compare trees and skyscrapers, albeit in a glorious vice versa. They will never know the glories of your imagination, which allows you in turn to wonder at their highly prized mundaneness. Leave them be, for it is not your place to show them theirs. It is your place to glow quietly, a great flame hidden among the ashes and the embers. 

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