Thursday, August 7, 2014

Description of a Leaf

I'm sorry.
I should post more.
Summer was too crazy, and so hot that all my creative juices dried up.
So here is something I wrote for my last year's Natural Science class.
They asked for a description of a leaf, and I chose a pecan stalk.

A gentle green curve, a tapering point, a few graceful lines. Save for the foremost, each has its partner, just on the other side of the road. Like seven houses in a cul-de-sac, they are arranged facing each other, bowing and dipping and swaying in time to the wild, gypsy music of the wind. The stem that they all grow from is flat, green at heart, and dressed in a thin slip of brown or purple. Smooth and dark on the top, each leaf is veined with delicate roads that follow the same curve, then fade away. Such a simple twig, with such simple leaves. Nothing but Autumn’s cold weather will make it lose its elegance, and the dignity with which it carries itself. 

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