Thursday, March 20, 2014


Happy spring, Readers!
Guess what?
Something important is coming up!
(And now you're desperately trying to remember what it is!)
Our anniversary!
It's coming in May, and I know that it's two months away, but I'm already planning something incredibly special.
Also, I know that some people, I don't know why, celebrate their anniversary every month, but I don't think that's as special. I prefer one year anniversaries.
Oh! Anyway, here is something I wrote just now!
Memories are never as sweet as when we remember them on a sunny day in March. Sometimes, I would like to ask, “If I fell in love with you, will you fall, too?” Softly, we can dance, forgetting our metal world, our harsh penalties. I swear then, that I never will forget you, never leave your memory unpacked when I travel. How could I, anyway? You just might be the only thing keeping me alive. The strange words that float in smoke away from us don’t matter, just keep looking at me, and I can take care of you. I have no choice but to love you, and if I had other options, I wouldn’t even see them. Don’t you understand, the time we have now will never happen again, and we must make memories out of the golden sand, the brilliant sunlight, and our peaceful silence. I know it sounds like alchemy, but it’s so simple, and I can teach you the recipe until you know it by heart. Soon, the night will come, and rip us apart like we never really mattered, but you and I know differently. You know that we matter, you know that we cannot survive apart. I know that you are really the only one who can take care of me, and therefore I must protect you, save you from harm. We will scream at the silence, because it will never sound the same if we are alone. We will cry, and try to rip the fabric of our dreams apart, so you can hold me close, and I can feel your strength surrounding me, protecting me. 

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