Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Prince

This may surprise you, but Aronis, Dreyken, Deverell, Crevan, and Triss existed long before Derain and his team. Here is something I wrote about Aronis from Triss' point of view. 

Warm and inviting, playful and bright, the sunbeams dance on my head as I twirl around with him. He is a great dancer, but everyone gets dizzy after a while. We tumble down onto the hot grass and just enjoy each other for a time. His hand slips into mine, and in a second we are off, running barefooted to the inviting forest. At his touch, flowers expand, and vines give the trees beautiful green dresses. I can’t really believe how much hidden wonders the forest has that he shows me: a quiet stream; a pile of rocks, one atop the other; a simple, sweet song from the mouth of a sparrow; a doe and her fawn, grazing quietly in a tiny clearing. I trained him in the ways of the forest, the desert, the plain, and the mountain, but he has a gentle touch all his own. This is most evident when he accidently pulls me too fast and I trip over a fallen log I could not see. He carefully tends to my slight scrape with patient fingers, dressing it as if it were a deep battle wound. Then, ignoring my protests and laughter, despite the minuteness of the cut, he insists on picking me up and carrying me the rest of the way. I am reminded as he does so of his great strength, with which he has vowed to protect me from all dangers. But then he looks at me, and I can see the laughter in his eyes. He takes me beside a rippling pond, lays me down on a bed of moss, and then provides for me from the forest. He brings me apples, grapes, pears, oranges, tangerines, and then uses his everyday magic to make the most elegant goblet out of a leaf, and brings me fresh water from a cold spring. As I follow him with my eyes, watching him fulfill his self appointed task, I marvel at this man. He is strong, and proud, but at a quiet word from me, he will bend to the most humble of tasks without a sound. He makes me feel like a great lady, and I know that he extends this small courtesy to other women as well, although not with the same intent that he uses for me. A hand as I step down, standing when I stand, giving my most trivial thought the utmost of his attention. These are all ways that no one has taught him, but he knows them anyway. He knows them because he is a true gentleman, and that is something that cannot be taught. 

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