Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Daughter of the Stars

Break me away from the world I care about, take me far away. Change my silver wings to gold, lift me free of all my friends. All my ties, all my fetters, lift them like the morning mist. Take me to the afternoon, with ripe grain rustling above dusty red canyons. Fly me to the evening, with pools of soft light that throw reflections on the dark room and white walls. Bring me a cup of the night, a cup full of silver stars, which I shall drink of and forget who I am, who I was, and who I will be; I will forget duty, forget promises, forget all except that I am happy, and at peace. The next day, I will forget you instead, but starshine will still run in my veins, still quicken my mind, still gleam in my eyes. I will be, and endure. I will be a star, living brightly among the darkness of ignorant humans. I will be more than anyone could be. I will be full and over-flowing: Daughter of the Stars. 


  1. Beautiful, just beautiful imagery. Love it. Can I copy it as a quote into my diary?

  2. Beautiful. Can I write it as a quote into my diary?

  3. Of course you can! Anyone can use anything they find on my blog.... With one exception. Although the real world isn't my favorite place, I still need to eat. If you are using any part of my blog in a way that makes you money, I need to see and approve! Thank you!
